A complete selection of devices covering all the technological solutions currently on the market for opening, safety and access control, safety and access control. SESAMO selection represents the meeting point between high technology and innovative design, completing most creative automatic architectonic solutions. Specialised technical staff and simple documentation will help you in the selection of the best solution suitable for your needs in compliance with the current safety regulations for automatic entrances.

Sesamo’s wide range of sensors enables to choose the best system layout according to features and obstructions in the existing entrance, which has to be automated. Power supply of all sensors comes directly from the control board, which ensures their proper working even in case of main power failure, when
the special emergency batteries have been installed.

Access control systems allow not only to control the opening of Sesamo automatic entrances but also to forbid the access to unauthorized personnel. Two versions are available:

  • Stand alone access control: each device controls an entrance in a self–independent mode
  • Remote storage unity access control: a remote unity controls the access communicating with peripherals through encrypted  signals in order to ensure high-level security standards. Each  remote storage unit can operate up to 4 peripheral devices and control in a self-independent mode up to 2 entrances.

Συνομιλήστε με έναν εξειδικεύμενο εκπρόσωπο μας

Κλείστε ραντεβού με έναν εξειδικεύμενο εκπρόσωπο μας για να συζητήσουμε και να σας προτείνουμε τις καλύτερες δυνατές λύσεις για τις ανάγκες της επιχείρησής σας.