NINZ fire doors meticulously combine the current fire prevention legislation with the assessment of the practical needs of manufacturers, installers and assemblers with the possibility of applying fire doors to various types of support: masonry, plasterboard, sub-frames.
The Fire Resistant Metal Doors we offer you - PROGET (fire safety and multi-purpose) and UNIVER (fire safety and multi-purpose) - are made to order even in small quantities, thanks to the wide range of colors, accessories and panel/glass inserts available, while they can satisfy even the most demanding customer.
The NINZ company is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the products in force with the new European standards for the design of an innovative fire safety door compatible with the EN 1634 standard and CE marking. It has undertaken the development of a quality management system certified according to the EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, under the control and verification of the certification institute ISO EN CErtifications srl, Italian representative of the TÜV Hessen certification office.