SENSIT is a platform of technology that is used for vehicle detection. Each sensor in our SENSIT system monitors the presence of a vehicle in the parking bay it is installed in. It knows if there is a car or not. And it also knows how long the car has been parked there. Through the wireless network this information is sent to the SENSIT server. The occupancy status and parking duration information is made available from that (cloud based) server to applications.
Typical applications for SENSIT are:
• Guidance - Inform motorists where they can park their car using displays and apps
• Enforcement - Know who is parked longer than was paid for (or is allowed) and take necessary measures
• Reporting - Keep track of utilization and other developments to help make future decisions
Traffic flow
Between 25% and 35% of all traffic consists of vehicles with drivers that are looking for a parking bay. If that percentage could be decreased just a little, it would have an enormously positive effect on the throughput of traffic in that city.
Customer satisfaction
Drivers and their passengers spend less time in the car and can spend more time on other things. In a city many visitors with cars come there to shop. Or do business. Less time spent in cars means a decrease of opportunity costs. Frustrated and stressed drivers are less likely to enjoy the services and environment of the city or airport that they are visiting. Increasing the satisfaction of visitors certainly pays off.
Reduced emissions
Cars that are looking for a parking bay cause unnecessary emission. Preventing unnecessary traffic reduces emission levels and help cities and airports to conform to legal requirements governing air pollutants released into the atmosphere.
Optimized utilization
Currently installed projects have proven that properly installed parking sensors that feed a properly working guidance system can significantly increase the utilization of a parking lot. An installation in France has shown that the number of parking occupancy events in one bay almost doubles on average, which means that more cars than before have used that specific bay.
Improving parking utilization
Projects have shown us that the average usage of bays grows after SENSIT is deployed. Utilization of existing parking capacity is optimized and there is less need to invest in very expensive and space consuming parking bays.
Revenue management
Managing and optimizing the revenue streams related to parking prevents fraud and inefficient use of public money.
Managing parking licenses
The SENSIT system allows you to distribute electronic licenses in a really cost effective and reliable way. The parking license app can be downloaded on an Apple or Android smartphone and personalized with a QR-code. Licenses are managed at the SENSIT server. Monitoring authorized use of parking bays for designated users (disabled people, VIP’s, residents with a permit) is done with the SENSIT system.
Nedap has started developing the SENSIT system in 2006 and were one of the first to identify the potential of sensor technology for parking management. Real life experience and significant annual effort and investments have resulted in a system that has proven itself in a variety of applications.
High accuracy levels, a fast wireless network and a proven battery life of more than five years have resulted in high confidence levels with our partners and clients. Our organizational size, engineering capability, financial position and international presence reassures them that Nedap is the partner that will continue to support them in projects of any size in any part of the world.