Janus Management System

The simple and versatile HUB software solution

JMS Janus Management System is HUB's Web based Parking Management System. This highly professional software solution allows you to manage multiple parking locations and different types of HUB equipment with the same easy and extremely intuitive user interface.

  • JMS is intuitive

    • Easy to learn. JMS offers a very intuitive and user-friendly interface with virtually zero learning curve.
    • Easy to use wherever you are. Use the JMS Mobile App solution to control your business at any time and any place.
    • Streamline your operations. JMS simplifies your system management and business processes.
    • Cost-effective. JMS boosts operational performance and improves process efficiencies, optimizing your resources.
  • JMS is flexible

    • Scalable. Its cutting-edge architecture makes it highly configurable and adaptable, to meet specific business requirements.
    • Adaptable. Multi-user, multi-carpark and multi-equipment, for easy and effective management.
    • Powerful analyses tool. JMS provides flexible reports, wide process control and real-time business performance visibility.
    • Strategic. JMS integrates a professional Business Intelligence dashboard for structured data mining. Complex and rich statistical analyses can be accessible and easy to understand for everybody, allowing the whole organization to make data-driven business decisions.
    • Quick. JMS provides rapid access to data and information to improve customer satisfaction.
  • JMS is reliable

    • Error-proof. Designed with a fault resistant architecture.
    • Robust. JMS allows strong user access controls and quick and easy setup of permissions levels.
    • Secure. Encrypted protocols ensure data security.
    • Cloud ready. JMS drives down IT costs and lowers your risk when you implement our Cloud option. We manage server backup, maintenance, and regular updates to offer you a stress free reliable service
    • Web-Based application

      For the first time, you’ll be able to easily manage and control all your HUB equipment and HUB Parking Systems with one simple and versatile software solution. With JMS, you can centrally manage all your business processes from any web-based console.

      • Mobile App

        Choose the JMS Mobile App for the best possible user experience with smartphones and tablets.

      • Web Services Integration

        JMS easily and seamlessly integrates some key functionalities with your data: online discounts, web booking, mobile payment and more.

      • Cloud Ready

        Take advantage of our cloud ready solution, simplify your business and infrastructure and reduce your costs!



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